Planetside 2 Hacks and Cheats with Aimbot

Planetside 2 Hacks and Cheats with Aimbot

Released at AimJunkies is one of the premiere Planetside 2 cheats. Another excellent Planetside 2 hack and cheat featuring an incredible aimbot done by Optix. There are more details and videos on our site, rest assured this Hack is the same excellent quality as the rest of the AimJunkies undetected hacks.

Battles take place not between dozens of troops, but thousands; with air and ground vehicles slugging it out alongside squads of troops. Whether in open fields, tightly packed urban centers or enormous structures, planning, teamwork and communication are essential.
PlanetSide 2 features incredible continent maps with dozens of square kilometers of seamless gameplay space; every inch of which is hand-crafted, contestable space. With the territorial control meta-game, landmass has intrinsic value.

In PlanetSide 2 battles can last for days or even weeks, and finally taking control of the base means it's yours until someone can take it back. Working strategically as a team to capture key tactical positions such as power plants and ammo depots have long-lasting effects that can shift the tide of battle. Victory requires strategic teamwork and a quick trigger finger to survive the massive battles.
PlanetSide 2 provides sophisticated communication tools that players need to coordinate and strategize from within and outside the game environments. From our up-to-the-minute, data driven Players site, providing the most relevant stats, map dominance information and more.


PS2 Hacks,PS2 Cheats, Planetside 2 cheats,Planetside 2 hacks


Game Engine:
- Forgelight Engine
Game Version:
- Latest Version
- Undetected
- Optix

Operating systems:



- 1 month $10.95 USD
Introductory Pricing


- Autofire
- Aimkey
- Aim Bone
- Aim FOV
- Aim Teleport - Automatically teleport to what you're aiming at!

- Box ESP
- Name ESP
- Skeleton ESP
- Health ESP
- Distance ESP
- Hitbox ESP
- Weapon ESP
- Distance ESP
- Enemies Only ESP
- Crosshair

- No Recoil
- No Spread
- Speedhack
- Speed Key
- Speed Value
- No Clip
- Always Daytime
- No Fall Damage


- No anticheat - Our cheat will bypass any future anticheat implementation!
You can purchase the hack easily through PayPal, and INSTANTLY receive access, no activation period, no waiting, nothing!

Screenshots of Planetside 2 Hacks and Cheats with Aimbot